RUMANZA Perma frost – Anti freeze Coolant

RUMANZA Anti freeze-Permafrost

Antifreeze-Permafrost is a ready-to-use, phosphate-free, silicate-free, nitrite-free and borate-free, ethylene glycol-based coolant that is designed to provide exceptional wet sleeve liner cavitation and corrosion protection of all cooling system metals. Permafrost Coolant / Antifreeze is formulated with organic corrosion inhibitors to provide total cooling system protection for on-road and off-road use.


Antifreeze-Permafrost is recommended for all types of passanger cars, heavy-duty diesel, gas engines and stationary engine applications regardless of fuel type being used. Also suitable for marine cooling systems where freeze protection is needed. Mixed fleets where both light-duty and heavy-duty trucks are present.

Typical Properties

Concentration 33% 50% 60% 100%
Freezing Point D1177 °C -16 -37 -45 -12
pH D1278 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3
SP. Gravity @15°C/ 60°F D4052 g/cm3 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.11